Monday, May 07, 2007

Not a Typical weekend......

"I'm like everyone else-I see the world in terms of what I would like to see happen, not what actually does"
-Paulo Coelho

Last Saturday (First half) was pretty good. I had prep classes in WFU. Three hours brain storming. I had lot of fun. Certainly I learned a bit how to solve a problem in Tech' school method and in B' school method. Solving the problem is not a big deal. only the timing matters. That late saturday, I understood, the meaning of real bad day.

Sunday, I went to Spider-man 3. A lengthy movie with lot of sentiments. I watch these kind of movies for graphics. I always wonder, how did they even imagine every shot......and made it real with graphics........amazing........

I don't want to be a spider least I wish I could have a girl friend like MJ........Juz kidding......

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