Saturday, March 31, 2007

Traffic Ticket

I went to Time Square, for 2007 New year eve. Totally I drove 1874 miles in 3 days. From Greensboro, I drove to Ohio, picked up a friend at Akron, Ohio and we drove to New york. Everything was exiting, except I got a speeding ticket at Maritta, Ohio. It was a beautiful drive form Greensboro, Virginia and in West Virginia. Even the speed limit was 70miles/hr, I was driving around 77 miles/hr. As soon as I hit into Ohio, the speed limit become 55miles/hr. So What I did, I was driving 55 constantly and whenever I don't see any traffic (through my windshield and through my review mirror) I was raising my car to 90( I rented a SUV). It was dark and in that Ohio suburb I didn't see no one in the road, So I was constantly driving around 85 miles/hr. There were two Caravan in front of me. I should have slowed down, but I thought to overtake them and slow down. As soon as passed the vehicles, I realized that is a cop car. I have been pulled over. I got a ticket 88 miles/hr @ 55miles speed limit, $140 fine.

This is what I learned from my first traffic ticket experience.
Talk very polite to a cop.
Don't be scared to talk to cop. After you have been pulled over by a cop, your first question would be "what speed you were driving. Don't admit, even though you drove fast. Say the exact speed limit in that place. Then Cop would say his radar reading of your speed limit. If you have rented a car, dare to say, you are speed-o-meter was showing only the speed of maximum speed limit at the place.
If you would say, you didn't see any speed limit posting for lost 10 miles, Cop would explain you, where and all the speed limit posted. B'coz he knows the area better than you. So don't say that.
Try your best not to admit the over speeding and act very innocent as much you can. (If you are pulled over, 90% you are getting a ticket, only 10% chances are there to escape)

If you got the ticket, and you can think of taking the chance to appear into the court, that is the best way to do, to escape from your insurance premium rise. ( I don't have any experience, may be I will write a blog about that, later some time)

But, be proud to have a ticket.

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